🎼Smart Contracts
Smart Contract Audit (Quantstamp)
RUSH Token smart contract is audited by our audit partner - Quantstamp on 14th March, 2022. A summary below ->
Header | Details |
Type | Wallet and NFT Smart Contracts |
Timeline | 2022-03-07 through 2022-03-14 |
EVM | Berlin |
Languages | Solidity |
Methods | Architecture Review, Unit Testing, Functional Testing, Computer-Aided Verification, Manual Review |
Open Issues | 0 unresolved issues |
Most Used Smart Contracts
rushAvatarNFT (Ethereum) -> Rush ERC-721 token contract on Ethereum
rushAvatarNFT (Polygon) -> Rush ERC-721 token contract on Polygon
rushToken (Ethereum) -> Rush ERC-20 token contract on Ethereum (To be deployed)
rushToken (Polygon) -> Rush ERC-20 token contract on Polygon (To be deployed)
rushWallet (Polygon) -> Rush custodial wallet contract on Polygon
rushWalletFactory (Polygon) -> Deploys beacon proxies for Rush Wallet
Last updated