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A DAO is a decentralized form of governance, which allows community members who hold tokens to vote to shape the way the organization makes decisions. This is the Rush Gaming Universe's ultimate goal.
This process will need to be done with the utmost care as decentralizing DAO governance will need to be balanced with speed of execution. The right tools & systems need to be available (and built) to truly unlock the potential of Rush Gaming Universe as a DAO.
Thus, the RGU will follow a path of 'progressive decentralization' where the process of decentralization will occur gradually over time as RUSH is distributed among the community members.
The Hike team will take the responsibility of developing the Rush Gaming Universe in it's early phase of development. This is incredibly important as it will provide a cohesive vision, fast execution & also prevent hostile actors from disrupting the ecosystem during the early phases of development.
RUSH would allow holders to propose and vote on governance proposals in RUSH DAO to determine future features, upgrades and/or parameters of Rush Gaming Universe, or provide feedback, with voting weight calculated in proportion to the tokens staked. It will over time decide on the following aspects of the RGU.
The following aspects of the RGU will be governed by the DAO ->
Monetary Policy (RUSH Token & more)
Treasury Fees & Allocation
Community Management (Rules, Benefits etc)
Product & Tech Development (Features, Content etc)
We're laying out broadly the phases in which RGU will become a full functioning DAO.
The RUSH once staked will have the ability to vote in the Rush Gaming Universe. A detailed framework on voting & proposals will be introduced in 2025.
There is a lot of progress being made in the way communities are being built on the blockchain. Brand new and interesting ways are emerging every month on how to build and run a DAO.
This page will go through quick iterations as we better understand from the Web 3 community at large, best practices and uncover new tools. An example of a decision that will be made soon is whether to structure the DAO as a representative council or take a more direct democracy approach.
Watch this space 🤓
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